Sunday, August 13, 2023

Paul's Epistle to the Romans

 The book of Psalms is quoted frequently by Paul as he writes to the Romans. 

Psalm 199:46 "I will speak of thy testimonies also before, kings, and will not be ashamed." This verse is very similar to the famous words of Paul to the Romans.  "I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ."  

Paul's letters have always been challenging for me to understand.  I have looked for a children's explanation and not finding any am trying my hand at writing my own.  This is how I would explain Paul's thought to children in modern terms. 

Romans Chapter One

Paul said, "I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the only power that can save us.  As we apply faith, God reveals to us how to grow, grace by grace, in righteousness to exaltation.

We all have a conscience, so we know when our choices are unrighteous.  The light of Christ has been with all men since the creation of the world and reveals to us the true path.  Therefore, all know right from wrong and are left without excuse when we sin. 

Through this conscience and light of Christ, we know God but when we choose not to take joy in Him, with gratitude, we are following the foolish imaginations of our creations and our path is in darkness.  One might think they are wise but have gone from joy to worshipping idols.

There is a point where hard-hearted people are left to worship the gods they create.   When women and men choose to have unnatural relationships together, they will receive the consequences of sin. They no longer keep their knowledge of right and wrong but choose convenient sin. Such become tempted to covet, debate, lie, gossip, disobey parents, and boast of themselves."

Romans Chapter Two

We condemn ourselves when we judge others, "Matt 7:2 With what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged.) Only God can judge in truth.  The goodness of God leads us to repent. If you harden your heart to God, you are treasuring or choosing what will bring spiritual death in the day of judgement.

God will judge us by our deeds. All those, from every nation, who patiently endure to the end in faith will receive eternal life, glory, honor, and peace.

But all those, from every nation, who fight against truth and do not obey it, will reap anguish and sorrow.

It is not enough to hear the law, you must do it. There are some, never formally taught, who keep the law as revealed by their conscience or the light of Christ.  

All of the secret acts of men shall be judged by Christ and his gospel.  His judgement is just because we all have always had a conscience to guide us.

Romans Chapter Three

Of what value is being born a Jew or as part of Israel?  First of all, you have the prophets and scriptures of God.

What if the covenant people are unfaithful?  Does that make God unfaithful? No, God has all truth, and we know men are fallen and non are without sin.  As it says in Psalms (51:4) In the end, God, knowing all truth.  He will cause justice to prevail. 

If we remain unrighteous, we cannot say God is wrong as we reap punishment.  It is wrong to think we glorify God by letting His justice condemn us in greater sins.  We cannot condone our evil. 

There is no advantage of being a covenant people unless we act in faith.  All nations are alike unto God.  All have sinned. 

The only completely righteous person to come to earth was Christ.  All have sinned and become unprofitable servants. 

Our deceitful words are compared to open grave (Psalms 5:9) and the poison of snakes (Psalms 140:3) being full of bitterness (Psalms 10:7) Men are quick to shed blood and cause destruction and misery. Most have not known God's way of peace and do not fear Him. (Psalms 36:1)

God has given us the law and all our guilty. No one can fully keep the law. 

Righteousness is seen, as the prophets have taught, by faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe in Him from all nations. 

Since all have sinned, we become clean by His grace.  He redeems us.

Heavenly Father sent Christ to pay for our sins with his suffering and blood. We can have faith in Him, giving us time to repent.

What can the covenant people boast of? Not the law, or their works, but faith in Christ. 

We are redeemed by our faith since none can completely obey the law. God offers redemption to all nations and can redeem those who kept the law of circumcision and those who did not. 

Romans Chapter Four

Did Abraham's works redeem him?

Abraham did great works and was righteous, but he was still in debt to God.  Our righteousness is not our actions to redeem ourselves but evidence of our love of Christ who we trust to save us.

Psalms 32:1,2 "Blessed are those whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered.  Blessed is the one whose sins the Lord will never count against them."

Is the blessing of salvation only for the Jews?  Was Abraham's circumcision what made him righteous? No.  It was his love of God that came before circumcision that brought hm to receive this sign.  Abraham is therefore the father all those who sincerely receive this sign and those who are adopted into the covenant family of God as they have faith like Abraham.  It is not through obedience to law that we receive the blessings of Abraham to inherit eternal life but through righteousness and faith, our love of God.

It is through Christ's grace, though we are unworthy, that He can redeem us as a covenant people, a family of Abraham, the one who was promised to be a father of many nations. Just as God has power to resurrect us, he can create his spiritual family.  No person can fully keep all the commandments and claim eternal life without Christ's help. 

Though seeming impossible, Abraham had hope in his old age that elderly Sarah would make him a father. We can be righteous like Abraham as we hope and trust that Christ will resurrect us and deliver us from our sins.

Romans Chapter Five

Since we have been redeemed, we have peace in Christ.  We access his power through faith.  Let us rejoice in God, even when in tribulations knowing trials can help us be patient and have experience. By this hope and peace, we are above any shame rather feeling the love of God by receiving the Holy Ghost. 

We were once without power.  Christ died to empower us.

Who would give their life for even the bet of men? Yet, Christ, because of His love toward us who are sinners, died for us. Now we are redeemed by his blood and saved from wrath if we repent.

Sin made us enemies to God, but we are reconciled to God by the death of His son and the example of Christ's life.  We also joy in God, through Christ, as we receive His atonement. 

As in Adam came death and a fallen world of sin. (For there is a law and as a result sin.) Death resulted from Adam to Moses. As in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. 

Having a world with law, right and wrong brought all to sin.  Grace overrules this allowing the righteous eternal life through Jeus Christ. 

Romans Chapter Six 

Should we sin more since we know Christ's grace can save us? No way! How shall we who understand sin is spiritual death allow it in our lives. 

When we were baptized, we let die our carnal natures.  We were buried in the water like Christ was buried in a tomb.  Just as Christ was resurrected, we come out of the baptismal water to a new life dedicated to remembering and following Christ.

We should be dead to sin and alive in Christ. Choose not the temptations of your mortal body.  Do not give thought to Satan's tools but give yourself to God and live, choosing to be His instrument for righteousness. For sin cannot claim you when you choose to receive Christ's grace by daily repentance and faith.  

Again, should we sin since grace can save us from the laws we break? No way!

Ye know that you are the servant of who you choose to obey.  Sin, and you are the servant of Satan and receive spiritual death. Obey God, and you are the servant of Christ who can redeem you.

God be praised that once we were servants of Satan, but we have repented and changed our hearts.  In this way, we are free from sin, becoming servants of righteousness.

I am writing you because of your mortal weakness.  You are choosing sin, making you more and more unclean.  Repent, and choose to serve Christ and become more holy. When we sin, we are not tied to righteousness. 

Are your works bringing good fruit or spiritual death?  If you repent from sin and serve God, your life will be fruitful and holy until obtaining eternal life.  
The payment of sin is spiritual death, but God's gift can be eternal life through Jesus Christ.



Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Temple Psalms

Temple Psalms ebook link Here is the link to an ebook which includes Psalms that refer to temple research as in the temple section of this blog.  Along with the quotes are artwork of temples painted by my husband Ken Corbett.  It is such a joy to participate in the Lord’s work in Latter-day temples.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Psalm 96

 I have found another artist who puts scriptures and Psalms to music that I enjoy.  I love how little he modifies the words.  Here is Psalm 96. Sing to the Lord, give in His temples, He is coming!

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Psalm 34

 This has always been my favorite psalm and I love this song created with its words

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

This is a great video about how the book of Psalms is organized.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

 The hymn Praise God from Whom All Blessing Flow is based on a melody and hymn written by Louise Bourgeois in 1581.  The original words reflected Psalm 100

All people that on earth do dwell,
Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice.
Him serve with fear, His praise forth tell;
Come ye before Him and rejoice.

The Lord, ye know, is God indeed;
Without our aid He did us make;
We are His folk, He doth us feed,
And for His sheep He doth us take.

O enter then His gates with praise;
Approach with joy His courts unto;
Praise, laud, and bless His Name always,
For it is seemly so to do.

For why? the Lord our God is good;
His mercy is for ever sure;
His truth at all times firmly stood,
And shall from age to age endure.

To Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
The God Whom Heaven and earth adore,
From men and from the angel host
Be praise and glory evermore.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

We have just passed the 200th anniversary of Joseph Smith's First Vision.  It is wonderful to know that Joseph Smith and the work of the restoration was prophesied anciently.  When Joseph Smith was in his youth, he wondered which church to join.  Psalms 14 and 53 describe many aspects of the religous enviroment of the world just as accounted by Joseph Smith in describing the First Vision.  The most evident to me is the repeated phrase that "none doeth good, no not one."  This is the answer Christ gave to Joseph Smith about all the churches on the earth.  How wonderful that the Lord did restore his priesthood authority that "Jacob shall rejoice, and Israel shall be glad!"